
 The Rodan Foundation's Publication for the Metaphysical Church of Enlightenment, October 2024

 In 1981, Reverend Clarke Carraway founded The Rodan Foundation with the intention of creating a powerful, growing community of awakening beings who experience love, peace, prosperity, unity, healing, harmony, and revelation through learning and service. The Rodan Foundation, recognizing the Law of Cause and Effect, expresses gratitude for the many blessings it reaps from the community's experiences.

Welcome! Join with us in our dynamic weekly services where we discover our true purpose in an emerging world.  Experience the revelation of our collective awakening to the power of love, the wonder of our multi-dimensional capacities, and the joy in reclaiming earth as our home. Sunday mornings provide the opportunity to celebrate life with like-minded beings and experience personal reassurance  and empowerment through the spiritual messages of Reverend Carraway's mediumship. We look forward to your participation enhancing our community. 



We live in an exciting time. It’s this beautiful dynamic, overflowing with change that’s going to continually be ‘in the works’ due to the waves of ascension we will experience for hundreds of years to come.

 And I truly believe that we way-showers, light-workers, and change-makers need to be conscious that we are the leading edge. We are holding space and guiding the changes in global consciousness and evolution. That’s why we’re opening, awakening, and expanding all across the globe. It’s our responsibility and a great honor to ground the new ascension energies into ourselves and our world. And we get to decide that we will do it with humor, peacefulness, compassion, grace, gratitude, and love.

There are enough struggling humans on this planet right now… Soo many. We can provide a counter-balance to their doubt, pain, and fear. If enough of us are producing and magnifying beautiful energies, we will aid them in moving through their darkness and into the light. And we will also effect change in the collective consciousness.

Now I’m not saying that we shouldn’t acknowledge that we have our own darkness to heal, release, and transmute. But that we can choose to face our shadows with awareness, courage, acceptance, strength, and through the universal love that we call unconditional love. It’s not that we don’t have shadows. It’s that we choose to heal and incorporate our shadows in a way that enhances ourselves and our world.

We can ride the waves instead of struggling against the tides. We can become our highest and best versions. We can remember what we came here to offer during this amazing time of transition, and wholeheartedly give those gifts to the world. We can shine so brightly that we, as a collective of expanding souls, illuminate the hearts and minds of everyone we encounter. And we can hold space and ground these beautiful ascension energies into ourselves, our collective, and our planet. We choose these things because we are the catalysts for the next phase of humanity’s evolution.                                                                                                                                                                                       

                                                                                                                                                   By Bridget Rene  


                                                   Calendar of Events and Special Offerings


OCTOBER 6TH:   PIANO SOLO BY PAIGE LEUNG!   Paige is in her 9th grade at San Mateo High School. She loves to play piano under Ms. Sumi Nagasawa's guidance, and trumpet under Mr. Eric Leong. Paige performs trumpet as the first chair of her school's jazz band. She also participates in her school's tennis and volleyball teams.

GUEST LECTURE BY TOM DUNCAN.   Over the years, Tom has worn many hats in the process of discovering purpose and evolving relationships, two qualities he holds in high regard. He has been a student, an oil field worker, a salesman of many products, a healer, and a father and friend to many. Above all this, he has lived his life as a Spiritual Quest. Today Tom will lecture on, ‘Positive Bias.’      

OCTOBER 13TH:   VOCAL SOLO BY LEESA WAGNER!    Long time friend of The Foundation, vocalist Leesa has a varied background in the entertainment field from MTV, Comedy Central to Max's Opera Café.  Leesa, first and foremost, has dedicated her life to her children, working for over twenty years several part time jobs at once to support her family.  In addition to also being a volunteer teacher, Leesa is currently working with adults with cerebral palsy and brightening their days.    

 REVEREND CARRAWAY WILL BE LECTURING ON:  'As the world gets darker, it's easier to see the light.'    

TESTIMONIAL CIRCLE:  After the service, everyone is invited to join an informal testimonial circle, where participants share how they are living positivity and love in their daily lives.  Bring miracles, large & small.  Or just come and be present in the sharing.        

OCTOBER 20TH:    PIANO SOLO BY PARKER REYES.   Parker, a talented 8th grader at Ralston Middle School in Belmont, is a versatile young musician who plays the piano, trumpet, and French horn. He has been playing the piano for six years under the guidance of his teacher, Sumi Nagasawa. Beyond music, he’s also a dedicated martial artist, holding a green belt in kung fu. When not immersed in Chinese language studies or honing his kung fu skills, Parker enjoys engaging in friendly matches of chess and tennis.      

GUEST LECTURE BY WILLIAM ROGG.   William has been an elementary school music teacher for nearly 30 years, teaching in Oregon, Nevada, and Palo Alto, California. Retiring in 2016, William has been writing children's stories, playing music, gardening, and hiking in the great outdoors. He has recently provided the background music for the "I Love Me" meditation series found on Insight Timer as well as learning to teach the meditations.  Today William will lecture on, 'Gratitude.'

OCTOBER 27TH:   NATIVE AMERICAN DRUMMING ENSEMBLE!    Our drumming circle is a spiritual tool for unity where we empower each other in the act of celebrating community and life through rhythm and music.  Bring an instrument and share your rhythmic spirit!  The drum’s sound has the power to move our spiritual bodies, hearts, and minds closer together to a sense of oneness with all that is.                                     

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS WITH DR. FOSTER:   Reverend Carraway will channel his primary Spirit Teacher, Dr. Robert Foster, who will field questions from the congregation.   



Healing Community:  Beginning at 9:45 during our meditation, please tune into your realm of perfection and release your concerns and receive the benefit perfection has to offer you.  The Rodan Foundation holds prayer for our List of Divine Fulfillment, a list of recognition.  It is so named because our community praises and recognizes the outpicturing of love and perfection in the lives of those on the list. If you wish to participate with our List, we invite you to place the names & situations for which you desire help in our healing basket on our greeter’s table.

Testimonial Circle:  On the second Sunday of the month, everyone is invited to join an informal testimonial circle, where participants share how they are living positivity and love in their daily lives.  Bring miracles, large & small.  Or just come and be present in the sharing.

The Haven:  The Spiritual Evolution Class: Channeled through the mediumship of Reverend Carraway, the Tuesday evening class provides an in-depth opportunity to experience expanding awareness of self and life. It is an ongoing flow of revelation designed to promote personal awakening and responsibility, transformation and empowerment. For more information, please speak with Reverend Carraway after the service.                      

The I Love Me Meditation Series: is now available on Insight Timer – a meditation website and app with millions of meditations available to listen to for free!  Every time one of our meditations is played, a donation is sent to The Foundation. You can give financially to The Rodan Foundation, just by listen-ing to the meditations. Sounds like a win-win for sure! You can also greatly support us by giving us stars, and commenting, and sharing the meditations on social media.  Please Spread the word and share with others.**                                                            


Our Community Love Offertory for the Month of  October 

supports CALL Primrose  


CALL Primrose is a non-profit agency, located in Burlingame.  It is a drop-in site to assist those in need with emergency direct aid: food, rental and utility assistance, emergency financial assistance, and a medical loan closet.  All services are free and confidential.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        


                              One of the many ways you can support us...

As you help the economy with your Amazon purchase, you may also help The Rodan Foundation by shopping from Under the 'search' area, you'll see the word 'supporting' and a description of a chosen charity. Hover over the name and you'll see a 'change' option listed next to it. Click 'change,' search for The Rodan Foundation, and choose us as your charity. We will receive 0.5% of the price of all your eligible purchases!                  

            You can also visit our support page to make a tax-deductable donation directly to The Rodan Foundation. 


Reverend Carraway is available for spiritual counseling, Jin Shin Do sessions, as well as for ceremonies marking mile stones in life. For more information, please see him after the Sunday service at The Metaphysical Church of Enlightenment or contact us