The Rodan Foundation’s Publication for The Love Awakening
February 2025

The Love Awakening (TLA) is the service arm of The Rodan Foundation. The TLA offers self-empowerment tools and courses designed to help you awaken and reclaim your personal power through positive living. We live the power of love through volunteer efforts supporting the people and the environment in our local and extended communities.
Our mission is to assist humanity in awakening to the power of love. Our intention is to help others awaken to who they truly are and use that awakening for the greater good. Our vision is the collective awakening of humanity, bringing forth harmony and unity for all. Join us as we learn and grow in the ways of living love and loving life!
Ever Expanding Love

Once upon a time, you looked upon the earth with wonder and eagerly awaited your adventure upon it. You knew there would be contrast. You knew there would be diversity. You knew there would be those with whom you agreed and those with whom you disagreed. You were excited and ready for the adventure.
Like children waiting in line for an exhilarating ride at the fair, you looked forward to your time on the earth. Like those children, you knew that your ride—no matter how delightful, exciting, or scary—would be temporary. You knew you'd hop into this ride called life, have your experience, and return home all the wiser, more loving, and more able to say you figured out how to enjoy the journey.
You also knew how important you were. You knew you would find new ways to bring the invisible love in this world of form. You knew that you would call this invisible love into 3D life in entirely new ways. You, dear ones, are part of ongoing creation! You are part of Life that keeps flowing. You are part of the eternal expansion of universes.
When you look back upon your life on earth, you will see that every little moment is packed with richness and opportunities for love. You will see how much love flowed into the universe the time when you were rushing, stopped, took a breath, helped your child, or the time when you held the door for a stranger. You will see the effects of a kind tip or a note you left for a friend. You will know the difference you made when you allowed someone who was stressed and hurried to get ahead of you in traffic. You will understand that even beneath your greatest fears and frustrations, love was trying to push its way to the surface in much the same way that a tiny plant attempts to push through the soil.
Love keeps on loving, dear friends. It lives within you. It pushes up from within in thousands of different ways, inspiring you to unleash it in your physical universe. As a gardener tills the soil and nurtures the plants until they are strong, you water your dreams with love and weed out your doubts, until they begin to take shape in your lives. Once set in motion your dreams, have a life of their own. Even before you see their appearance in your life, they are growing quietly beneath the surface, in the soil of your soul, as hopes, wishes, and dreams. Trust in the unfolding process of life and love to grow all you desire, whether you see it or not.
We know that when you look at the challenges on your earth, you can feel far removed from your hopes and dreams. At times it appears they have disappeared before your eyes. Fires, floods, wars, and other tragedies appear to rob people of all they've created, and yet, sometimes, dear ones, the slate is being wiped clean to ready one for more—more love, more of what is desired, more change. These are not easy changes. To be involved in such abrupt shifts requires courage and a strong spirit, yet many have survived such disasters to come through with new lives, a new appreciation for life, and a new sense of the loving majesty of their own spirit. There are tough schools upon your earth and easier schools, and each one of you, at very deep levels decides to grow in different ways.
Have compassion for your human brothers and sisters in the tougher classes. Compassion uplifts. Pity drives one down. In addition to your human help and assistance, imagine the light within them, glowing brightly and guiding them. Imagine the angels that surround them and beckon them to easier paths. Imagine that they, too, have access to the Divine Presence which is always ready to help them. If you are undergoing a deep and difficult transition in life, have faith that what lives within you will love, support, and guide you.
You can grow quietly in joy, or you can grow through life's tougher situations. The opportunities for love are available at all times. There are some who enjoy a quiet peaceful life, and there are some who crave adventure. There are some who make changes the minute they feel inspired and others who ask for the proverbial "two-by-four" to initiate change. Nonetheless, dear ones, love is within you, expanding and growing Love is around you, beckoning and guiding.
You are the gardeners in this 3D world, planting seeds of hopes and dreams and nurturing love into new realities. Not a single thing you do, think or say is insignificant. And never, dear ones, are you alone. Sit with us, and feel our love for you. Remember the Love that lives within creation lives within all beings. Focus on that light and that love in all beings, dear ones, and realize everyone has a purpose in your puzzle of life. The only thing you need to do to enjoy this "ride" is to embrace the moment, bring as much love into it as you can, and trust that the more you nurture love, the more it will grow, expand, and take on a life of its own within your own life.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels Ann Albers,

The "I Love Me" MeditationTM
The "I Love Me" Meditation is a simple and profound heart-centered practice of generating your personal frequency of love. It will teach you how to activate your natural capacity to generate and experience love through conscious awareness and conscious choice. This practice helps us to awaken. It encourages personal empower-ment, greater self-esteem and self-discovery as we learn practical means of replacing fear and negative frequency with the most powerful force in the universe: Love!
The “I Love Me” meditation series and the “Embrace of Acceptance” series are available on the free Insight Timer App. To listen, download the app or visit
Upcoming February Activities and Volunteer Events

February Sing & Share!
February 9th! 1:30 - 2:30
Mills Estate Villa!! 1733 California Drive, Burlingame
Join with us as we delight and inspire the elders of our community with lively company, silly joke time, and a fun, oldies-but-goodies sing-along with musical accompaniment. Don't sing well? Don't worry! All you need is a heart full of goodness and a smile. Please come live your love with us! Adults and children of all ages are welcome.
The Embrace of LoveTM
The Embrace of LoveTM is a guided meditation series which uses profound philosophy and gentle guidance to deepen your healing relationship with yourself as you are connected with the empowering presence of acceptance. Listen to a free recording on The Love Awakening's website and discover more about our organization and activities:
Experience a video podcast of Rev. Clarke Carraway's inspired Presentation of Truth.
"Like" The Love Awakening on Facebook and join our community.
At first glance looking around our world today, one can assume that there is little sense of peace or love. Yet, when we look just beyond the appearances we can see a much greater potential unfolding.
It is true that many are acting from a place of fear and doubt which includes greed, lust, guilt, anger, self righteousness and a myriad of other lower ego based actions. However, there are many more who are engaging in peaceful and loving responses. You won't necessarily read about these individuals or see them on TV, rather you will encounter them in your daily journey.
Love and peace are qualities we cultivate through the choices we make. It is up to each of us to make this choice of our own accord and equally our opportunity to share this energy from within. No one can do it for us.
So if you wish to see how much love and peace is growing on the planet... be that love and peace and you will begin to notice it all around you. In fact, you will become a part of the very process itself and others will come to know you for this energy in action.
Peace is not a static state as many may think. In reality it is a very dynamic energy that moves in where strife and chaos attempt to control and tempers these situations so that all can be balanced naturally.
Love is the same way. When we choose to love unconditionally, we bring the highest potential into every situation and heal generations of conflict... simply by letting go and loving all involved, including ourselves.